Meet the Saratoga Songwriters Panel

"Nancy Walker. Bob Warren. Michael Jerling. Has songcraft ever had better friends? Nancy has the uncanny ability to fuse the concrete and the gossamer, the actual and the imagined and the truth and the thought. Bob, whether creating a new musical, writing an album for another singer or simply penning his own new classic, is a mastermind of theory, practice and application. And Michael, who creates homespun tales, sophisticated dialogues and aching memories he calls "little movies," also knows how to capture every sound on tape. These varied talents and skills mesh in the Saratoga Songwriters Panel, which, through it's one-day workshops and six week seminars, puts the tools of the craft into the hands of everyday people. The process isn't exactly demystified - what purpose would that serve an art as personal and powerful, yet so wonderfully esoteric as songwriting - but it is made clear."

Stay tuned for upcoming classes and events with SSP!


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